Empowered for Freedom - Family Legacy Missions International

Empowered for Freedom


“I am free to run. I am free to dance.
I am free to live for you. I am free.”

Every Tuesday during Camp Life, American ambassadors hear these lyrics as they pray over the children in their Camp Life groups. They pray for freedom from strongholds, protection from witchcraft, and faith to trust that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Over 300 children every week receive prayer. Many children coming to Camp Life for the first time have never been prayed for, often growing up in homes where syncretism is celebrated.

Danny Lightner, Advisor for Spiritual Development, defines syncretism as “taking our old worldview (before we came to Christ) and combining it with the teaching of the Bible and of Christ.”

“In the context of Zambia, there are people who believe in the traditional teaching of ancestor worship and witch doctors to seek healing,” Lightner said. “When they come to Christ, they know Jesus is the answer for their sins, yet they combine it with the teachings of their culture. Syncretism is marrying two conflicting worldviews. It is believing Jesus needs to forgive your sins but is not sufficient for everything you need. There has to be a surrender of the old way and recognition that all they need is fully in Christ.”

God’s Freedom at Camp Life

At Camp Life, children learn that Jesus is all sufficient and the only hope for healing, freedom, and deliverance. Each week, they sing in faith that they are free, declaring the truth of the Gospel amidst darkness. Each week, ambassadors pray against the strongholds that the children come against and invite God’s Spirit to change the hearts, minds, and attitudes of those who were once in bondage. Each week, God shows up.

Josephine, a child from Mtendere, experienced freedom from fear through the power of these prayers. At the start of her Camp Life week, she believed God was not with her whenever she was afraid. However, through prayer and faith in the Camp Life theme verse of Joshua 1:9 to “be strong and courageous,” she was able to leave Camp with a renewed freedom from fear of witchcraft, saying:

“He sees me and knows me, so I am not afraid.” -Josephine, vulnerable child from Mtendere Community

Blessing attended Camp Life when freedom seemed impossible. Living as an albino in her community led to trauma merely because of the color of her skin. However, at Camp Life, she was seen not for her skin color, but rather as an image bearer of Christ. A week after camp, God further answered prayers for freedom and healing when Blessing temporarily moved to the Tree of Life. While she stays here, she will have a place to learn freely and be empowered by the staff to become all God has created her to be until she can safely return home.

By God’s grace, Family Legacy is transforming the lives of hundreds of students like Josephine and Blessing. Camp Life, the Tree of Life, and Legacy Academies are all instruments He is using to change eternities. By empowering children in prayer, education, and discipleship, hundreds of children walk in the freedom of Christ in their God-given identities.

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