Our Impact - Family Legacy Missions International

Transformational and generational change is complex, but with God’s grace all things are possible. We’ve seen the impact our programs and sponsorship have on the lives of these beautiful children.

But What is Success?

Success varies from University degree to simply understanding Christ’s love and bringing that to their communities. All things are possible for these children, and we embrace the variety of ways they choose their path forward serving Him.

Our Philosophy of Success

The lens through which we view determines that which we are able to see.

As we review each child’s information it is important to consider the range of backgrounds, traumas, development barriers and general cultural realities that constitute “success” from both the Non-western and Western perspectives. As such, Family Legacy very intentionally sets forth a mission designed to empower the vulnerable and orphaned children in Zambia to live out their God-given potential. We go into this mission with a keen understanding that a traditional Western path is not the singular path of success for our enrolled children.

Rather success lives in each child’s ability to know, grow in, and walk with Christ while expanding his or her education for worldly achievement. And as we expand our understanding, we see that achievement ranges from financial success to simply being a productive member of one’s community. When our children graduate from high school we celebrate, and when they accept Christ we celebrate louder. Each of our walks with Him varies. The role Family Legacy and our sponsors play is one of empowerment, not judgment or mandating a path for the child’s future. We pray for Zambia to come alive with native doctors, entrepreneurs, engineers, and more, but we pray more fervently for Christians to live in accordance with His commands, spreading the truth of the gospel.

Therefore, if we simply give our children a foundation of education and exposure to the truth, we have shined a light into the darkness thus illuminating that child’s path and stoking Zambia’s future generations for transformational change. We remain deeply proud of our children’s academic achievements. We think that once we see their range of achievement through this lens, every day a child is sponsored is a celebration.

The Proof is in the Numbers
  • 9th-Grade Completion Rate (2019):
  • Zambian National 9th grade avg completion rate - 45%
  • Family Legacy Average - 63%
  • Meals Distributed Annually - 4.5 Million
  • Home Visits Completed (2019) - 34,791
  • Average amount of home visits per child (2019) - 3
  • Active Trades Students - 58
  • Active University Students - 98
  • Number of Universities our Students Attend - 19

Stories Of Hope