The Burden is Lifted - Family Legacy Missions International

The Burden is Lifted

“When I was younger, I used to go to school but had to stop because we could not afford school fees. Life was not easy for me to get a quality education, it became hard for such that I used to think that life was meaningless to continue living, I had lost hope.

Thank God Family Legacy found me and later started school in 2012. I was given an opportunity to start school at the Legacy Academy which lessened the worry for my parents as they were trying hard to find money to pay for my school fees.

Family Legacy has impacted my life in so many ways. I have attained my high school education and now I am in Family Legacy’s Foundation Year Program. I have learned positive skills that can work with different people who have different views or beliefs.

I am so thankful to Family Legacy for taking away the burden my family had of taking me to school when they were not able to, I don’t know what type of a person I was going to become or where I would be if I did not get this education.

My family has benefited from Family Legacy in so many ways. Number one being spiritual support from the people who work at the Legacy Academy, the food distribution and other supplies for my education.

Family Legacy has given my family pride. In such a way that they feel proud that I completed my grade 12 and graduated and still being involved in other Family Legacy programs. They have also benefited in my education because, when all things get better with me in life, they will all look up to me for help and positive advice.”

Tobias | Family Legacy’s Foundation Year Program


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