She is Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - Family Legacy Missions International

She is Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

girls hygiene kits, zambia, africa


I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” – Psalm 139:14


At Family Legacy, we leave no stone unturned when ministering to our children. Many times in Zambia, girls in their youth are ashamed of their menstrual cycle. During this time of the month, they would rather miss school than risk being embarrassed if they soil their clothes in front of their peers. At our Legacy Academy Schools, we strive to prevent young girls from falling behind in their studies and feeling defeated because we want every single girl to know they are beautifully and wonderfully made.

To enhance the educational experience of our female students we launched our Girls Hygiene Initiative that strives to boost young girls’ confidence and help them understand their bodies. With our Girls Hygiene Initiative, we provide of-age girls with reusable sanitary items and training on proper hygiene care. It was a successful launch that provided an overwhelming amount of positive feedback. The girls were so excited and beyond thankful for the kits and the teachers were overjoyed knowing how much this program would drastically help our girls!

“On behalf of us ladies and our girl students, we’d like to say thank you so much! Every day we would have girls who were ashamed to be in school because they were attending. We just want to say thank you so much and may the Almighty God bless you all so much for what you all are doing. You all have truly saved our girls and their confidence will improve greatly!”
Felisters Mwale, Academic Deputy Program Manager

Each week, staff traveled to a different school to train and educate the girls about their bodies. During the training, they were excited to learn the information but when they realized they would ALL receive their very own kit, high-fives, ear-to-ear smiles, and sonorous cheering filled the room. Their excitement was breathtaking and their gratitude was humbling.

“We want to say thank you for everything you’ve brought for us. A lot of times we would miss school because we didn’t have money to buy pads so we want to say thank you for the kits you’ve brought for us because they will be helping us! ”
Miracle, Student at Legacy Academy Southwest

“We want to say thank you for all that you have done for us. We have learned and now know a lot about our bodies and will be following what you say”
Blessing, Student at Legacy Academy East

Within our Girls Hygiene kit we provide every of-age girl with:

This is where you come in. Our girls need your help. By donating any of the items above, giving to the purchase of the items above or by teaming up with a local chapter to make the kits, you can help our girls stay in school and also feel confident while doing so!

Email today to find out how you can help. You can also GIVE HERE to help fund the ongoing provision of these kits to over 3,000 girls each year!

This program and the girl’s education are near and dear to our hearts here at Family Legacy, and we are more than grateful for your contribution and your efforts to our Girls Hygiene Initiative!

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