Overview of the Communities we serve in Lusaka - Family Legacy Missions International

Overview of the Communities we serve in Lusaka


Zambia is located in the southern region of the African continent, bordered by 8 different countries including Angola, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Namibia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Malawi, and Botswana. Lusaka, the capital city is located in the central part of the country and also happens to be the most populous due to the jobs and infrastructures that it contains. While being one of the second largest producers of copper, Zambia ranks among other countries with the highest levels of poverty and inequality globally. Approximately more than 58% of Zambia’s population earns less than the international poverty line average of $1.90 a day.

At Family Legacy, we seek to help families and children break the cycle of poverty and serve heavily in 17 different communities that surround Lusaka, where many of the families afflicted by poverty live. Having an understanding and knowledge of the communities and where the children live and are exposed by is important to help connect and encourage a student as they pursue an education and rise out of poverty.

Each community has different unique factors depending on location, tribes, and difficulties they face. Outlined below are specifically the communities that Family Legacy operates around and we are excited to share some interesting and important information about them with you.

Bauleni Key Facts:

Chaisa Key Facts: 

Chawama Key Facts: 

Chainda Key Facts: 

Garden Key Facts: 


Ibex Hill 

John Leing




Lusaka West






To learn more about Zambia and how you can get involved, send us an email at sponsorships@familylegacy.com.

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