True Transformation - Family Legacy Missions International

True Transformation

“I have been attending Camp Life for 10 years now. Though there are too many memories and miracles to name within those years, there are always a few experiences that are truly life-changing and unforgettable. I had one of these moments this year at Camp Life 2018. Through God’s grace, I got the chance to sit down with one of my former campers whom I hadn’t seen in a few years.

Memory was a completely different girl, but I somehow still immediately recognized her. As I began to talk with her, it quickly becomes evident the transformation that had taken place in her life. This little girl I had known, who couldn’t speak a lick of English, was now in grade 9 easily having a conversation with me. This little girl, who was so sad and scrawny looking, was a picture of health and happiness. This little girl, who had no light in her eyes, was beaming with confidence and purpose. This little girl, who had no hope of a future, was gushing about her dream of becoming a teacher and impacting those in her community just as Family Legacy had done for her.

This little girl, who was obviously not so little anymore, was standing before me reminding me why we do it all. I cannot describe to you the combination of emotions I had looking at her. I was overflowing with joy and just completely filled with peace knowing how much of a difference was truly being made. Right in front of my eyes was living proof of the impact being made here in Zambia.

These children are not just going to school when they are enrolled at a Legacy Academy. They are being completely cared for. The holistic approach that Family Legacy takes, at least to my knowledge, is unmatched in Zambia. These kids get an education from teachers who are passionate about what they do and truly care for them. They receive a hot, nutritious meal that is often their only of the day. They are constantly being discipled by the staff at their school and are poured into daily. For Memory, and I’m sure many others, this special care of each student is what has helped her blossom into a confident young lady of God. I was so blessed by this one conversation. It planted a passion inside me for these schools and what Family Legacy is doing. I cannot express how thankful I am to have been a part of something so special and life-changing.

God has an amazing way of revealing what he is doing and I pray others are as encouraged by Memory’s transformation as I am.”

—Claire Knight

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