Exceeded Expectations - Family Legacy Missions International

Exceeded Expectations

“In Summer 2020, our family was to serve in Zambia for the first time as a party of five. Having to postpone our trip to 2021 has been very difficult although we know it’s the right decision. It has left a huge hole in our hearts that felt like it wouldn’t be filled for over a year. Then we heard about Students Feeding Students through Family Legacy and knew immediately God wanted us to participate. We had a family meeting to discuss the goal. The girls initially thought $600 was the most reasonable. We decided to signup for $1200 and our family would cover the difference if the goal wasn’t met.

The girls and I decided social media was the best way to advertise our fundraiser. In less than one week, we’ve raised more than $2400 which has doubled our goal and we’ve encountered so many awesome moments through the process. We’ve had a Houston Astro make a donation because he saw my post on Twitter. We’ve had two people donate a portion of their stimulus check because they found our cause touching. We’ve had conversations with friends, family and peers about why we’re doing the packing event and it has allowed us to share God’s love for His children in Zambia with so many. Our family feels so blessed to have this opportunity to serve the Lord by serving His kids in Zambia and is allowing us to be #aparttogether.”

—Kristi Zeller, Camp Life Alum

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