Preparing For a Dream Career - Family Legacy Missions International

Preparing For a Dream Career


Excel Beyond Hosts Career Seminar for Potential Students

On the verge of the first days of spring, the anticipation of something new begins to build. This is a season of hope, promise and longing: highlighted by a focused charisma toward ambitious imagination. 


Having successfully graduated from high school, 250 teenagers converge at the Legacy Center to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to begin building a career. For the seventh year since its inception, Excel

 Beyond hosted an annual seminar to introduce potential university and trades students to a variety of vocational possibilities. The Ministry of Education, Northrise University, APEX University, Lusaka Trades and Zamcom were invited guests who had the opportunity to impart knowledge on the students and introduce some academic programs their schools have to offer. This was accompanied by several Family Legacy staff members who shared storied of their vocational journeys. 

“This is a good idea because many students pick career paths because of peer pressure and not really because they are passionate about a specific profession. Having a seminar like this is great because they get to hear real success stories from real professionals that will open up their minds to make more informed career decisions.” — Deborah C., Deputy Program Manager of Job Placements, Excel Beyond.

“The most important thing is that you fear God above everything else. That is the most important thing in life, even about a career. Make sure that patience, perseverance and prayer define your lives.” —Chikondi Phiri, Country Director

“I am very grateful because I now have a better understanding of the wisest way to pursue the career I want in medicine. This was informative for me and I will not forget the good advice to always be in prayer and to persevere through the hard and uncertain times.” — Misheck N., Foundation Year Student

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