Excel Beyond After Graduation - Family Legacy Missions International

Excel Beyond
After Graduation

The idea of graduating from high school is a distant dream for many of the children who first enter our program. Going to a trade school or graduating from university is an even bigger feat. The Excel Beyond program was created to give high school graduates the opportunity to maximize their educational and career potential beyond high school.

Foundation Year

The Foundation Year is a gap-year program for recent high school graduates to prepare them for life in the professional world. Through workshops and seminars, students learn important professional skills such as interviewing, budgeting, resume-writing, and time-management. Throughout this year, they participate in a trades program in the field of their choice, earning a Level 1 trades certification upon completion. Based on their 12th-grade exam scores, these students may go on to enroll in either a university or trades program, or they will enter the job market well-equipped with the new skills and qualifications they have gained.


Students can qualify for either a one-year or a multi-year trades program, depending on their exam scores. Family Legacy partners directly with certified trades schools around Lusaka to accommodate our students’ wide-ranging interests. Our staff works closely with each student to help them identify their strengths and interests and enroll in a trade program that matches their skillset. The typical format of a trades program includes classroom learning, a hands-on internship with local business, and a final exam. Students graduate from their respective programs with an official certificate.


Becoming a graduate from a university in Zambia is monumental. Students, who have worked diligently in our program and have high enough 12th-grade exam scores, have the opportunity to attend the best universities in Zambia and Zimbabwe.  We currently have over 100 students enrolled in university and have celebrated a handful of our students becoming college graduates.  Accounting, nursing, medicine, law, and teaching are popular degrees that our students pursue. 

Job Placement

Our dedicated staff members work directly with students to help them secure employment in their respective fields. We aspire to prepare our students to enter the workforce, and we have relationships with various local employers to aid in the search process.


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